Headset with att. helmet flex MT53H79P3E-77

Code: MT53H79P3E-77
Out of Production

Headset with att. helmet flex MT53H79P3E-77

Out of Production

Thanks to the microphone / speaker and carefully designed with excellent attenuation level, Flex headphones 3M ™ PELTOR ™ offers unique acoustic performance, as well as guaranteeing an excellent level of communication in extremely noisy environments.
The better sound and comfort are guaranteed by the cups attenuation level high, posing a optimized acoustic design and whose interior ensures plenty of room for the ears.
Microphone Stand integrated fast positioning, to ensure ease of movement.
The wires of the headband with single springs in stainless steel and soft padded ear, foam and filled with liquid, ensure a constant and homogeneous distribution of pressure around the auditory pavilions, in order to ensure the best possible comfort.
PTT button on the shell of the cup

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